High Water in Randaberg

By Endre Harvold Kvangraven, PhD Candidate in Environmental Humanities, University of Stavanger Klikk her for å lese på norsk Songbirds are gathered by the boat house at the edge of Tungevika – tree sparrow, house sparrow and linnet – but their colorful plumages look faded and worn. Breeding season is over, and they’re beginning toContinue reading “High Water in Randaberg”

Silvia Stein von Spiess (1901-1993) – Ringing and early citizen science in 1930s Romania

By Ágota Ábrán, post-doctoral researcher at New Europe College In 1934, Silvia von Spiess, head of the ornithological section of the Royal Hunting Office of Romania, wrote the following in an article about looking for bird’s nests in the Danube Delta to ring chicks in the hunting magazine ‘Carpații’ (Carpathians): ‘The journey is interrupted inContinue reading “Silvia Stein von Spiess (1901-1993) – Ringing and early citizen science in 1930s Romania”

Linnud ja sõda

Elle-Mari Talivee, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskuse vanemteadur, PhD Click here to read in English Selle aasta volbriööl võtsin esimest korda osa kodanikuteaduse (e harrastusteaduse) projektist, mis loendab Eestis aasta linnuks valitud metskurvitsaid ehk neppe. Loendust teha on kerge: metskurvitsa isaslinnud lendavad iseloomulikult krooksudes otsejoones üle lagendike või metsasihtide ning loendajal tuleb lennudContinue reading “Linnud ja sõda”

Birds and the war

By Dr Elle-Mari Talivee, Under and Tuglas Literature Centre of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Eestikeelse postituse lugemiseks vajuta siia On this year’s Walpurgis Night I participated for the first time in a citizen science project of counting the Eurasian woodcocks in Estonia – the bird of the year here. The count is rather easy:Continue reading “Birds and the war”

A brief introduction to multispecies studies and ethnography (through birds)

By Claudia Câmpeanu, translated by Ágota Ábrán (Original article in Romanian: Câmpeanu, Claudia. 2022. O scurtă introducere în studiile și etnografia multispecii. Sfertul Academic. Antropedia) Thousands of rooks (Corvus frugilegus) spend the night in the tall trees of Cișmigiu from spring to autumn. It is unclear when they started doing this, but it is likelyContinue reading “A brief introduction to multispecies studies and ethnography (through birds)”

Hva gjør en amerikastorlom på denne sida av Atlanteren?

av Endre Harvold Kvangraven, stipendiat ved Universitetet i Stavanger Click here to read in English Det var et stykke ut på ettermiddagen, den 11. desember 2021, at jeg tenkte å rekke en liten fugletur før det blei mørkt, og dro opp til Vistevika i Randaberg, like utafor Stavanger. Himmelen var overskya mens jeg fulgte gangstienContinue reading “Hva gjør en amerikastorlom på denne sida av Atlanteren?”

What’s a Pacific Loon doing this side of the Atlantic?

By Endre Harvold Kvangraven, PhD candidate, University of Stavanger Klikk her for å lese på norsk It was mid-afternoon, December 11, 2021, when I figured I would get a short birding trip in before it got dark, and headed to Vistevika, an easily accessible bay with a sand beach in Randaberg just outside of Stavanger.Continue reading “What’s a Pacific Loon doing this side of the Atlantic?”

Garden Bird Count 2022 (Netherlands)

by Wessel Ganzevoort, Radboud University This was my second year participating in the Dutch National Garden Bird Count, marketed as the biggest citizen science project in the country. Last year a record-high 200,000 people participated, and there was an ambition to go even beyond that; while that didn’t succeed, the total number of participants stillContinue reading “Garden Bird Count 2022 (Netherlands)”

Garden Bird Count 2022 (Norway)

by Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss Cardozo, University of Stavanger On the last weekend of January, I participated in the Norwegian garden bird count for the third time. The first year, I did not put out any food. Consequently, I got two magpies and one crow. That was it. Actually, I had not really understood the wholeContinue reading “Garden Bird Count 2022 (Norway)”

Exposición sobre ornitólogas victorianas

Clara Contreras Ameduri, investigadora postdoctoral en ecocrítica literaria, Universidad de Extremadura Click here to read in English El 21 de enero tuve el placer de ver publicada en Europeana mi exposición sobre ornitólogas victorianas. Como investigadora de humanidades ambientales, el siglo XIX me parece una época particularmente fascinante. A pesar de ser recordado como laContinue reading “Exposición sobre ornitólogas victorianas”
