Birds and the war

By Dr Elle-Mari Talivee, Under and Tuglas Literature Centre of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Eestikeelse postituse lugemiseks vajuta siia On this year’s Walpurgis Night I participated for the first time in a citizen science project of counting the Eurasian woodcocks in Estonia – the bird of the year here. The count is rather easy:Continue reading “Birds and the war”

Linnud ja sõda

Elle-Mari Talivee, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskuse vanemteadur, PhD Click here to read in English Selle aasta volbriööl võtsin esimest korda osa kodanikuteaduse (e harrastusteaduse) projektist, mis loendab Eestis aasta linnuks valitud metskurvitsaid ehk neppe. Loendust teha on kerge: metskurvitsa isaslinnud lendavad iseloomulikult krooksudes otsejoones üle lagendike või metsasihtide ning loendajal tuleb lennudContinue reading “Linnud ja sõda”

Learning to be affected by birds

by Helen Verploegen, PhD researcher on mourning for lost bird biodiversity at the Centre Connecting Humans and Nature, Institute for Science in Society (Radboud University) Klik hier voor de Nederlandse versie Up until a few years ago, I had little eye for or knowledge of nature. I never noticed the abundance of brightly coloured GoldfinchesContinue reading “Learning to be affected by birds”

Hoe ik leerde om me geraakt te voelen door vogels

door Helen Verploegen, PhD onderzoeker naar het rouwen om verloren biodiversiteit, Centre Connecting Humans and Nature, Institute for Science in Society (Radboud Universiteit) To read in English, click here Tot een paar jaar geleden had ik weinig oog voor de natuur. De overvloed aan Putters die door het stadscentrum van Nijmegen vliegen of de biddendeContinue reading “Hoe ik leerde om me geraakt te voelen door vogels”

The Art of EnviroCitizen

The EnviroCitizen project has commissioned artworks by Jacek Matysiak. Jacek is a freelance illustrator who specialises in digital illustration with wilderness and nature themes. Our logo and main banner image are both by him. Alongside these, he has produced several other images that will be used to illustrate elements of the project. These are presentedContinue reading “The Art of EnviroCitizen”

Falkejakten, min vei til naturbevissthet

av Ellen Hagen, museumspedagog ved Arkeologisk museum, UiS For this post in English, click here. Jeg har alltid vært opptatt av fugler, og har både høns og ender i hagen. Men det er spesielt en type fugl som har gjort meg tydelig interessert i naturen og bevisst på økosystemet, nemlig rovfuglene. Interessen for rovfugler komContinue reading “Falkejakten, min vei til naturbevissthet”

Falconry, my gateway to environmental awareness

by Ellen Hagen, museum educator at the Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger Vil du lese dette på norsk? Klikk her. I have always been fascinated by birds and have both chickens and ducks in the garden. But, there is one type of bird in particular that has made me more interested in nature andContinue reading “Falconry, my gateway to environmental awareness”
