This page contains a slowly growing, curated bibliography for stakeholders.
Adamou, A., Georgiou, Y., Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, D., Hadjichambis, AC. (2021) Environmental Citizen Science Initiatives as a Springboard towards the Education for Environmental Citizenship: A Systematic Literature Review of Empirical Research. Sustainability. 13(24):13692. (open access)
Barrow, M. (2000). A Passion for Birds: American Ornithology after Audubon Princeton U Press
Beckers, C. and Lenders, R. (2022) ‘De kievit: Een oude vriend van de Nederlander’ in Gevleugelde Geschiedenis van Nederland, ed. by Jan-Luiten van Zanden, Helena Cordasev and Erik de Bruin (Ambo-Anthos publishers), pp. 311-23
Cherry, E. (2019). For the Birds. Protecting Wildlife through the Naturalist Gaze Rutgers U Press
Ganzevoort, W., van den Born, R. J., Halffman, W., & Turnhout, S. (2017). Sharing biodiversity data: citizen scientists’ concerns and motivations. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26(12), 2821-2837. (open access)
Hadjichambis, A.Ch., Reis, P., Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, D., Činčera, J., Boeve-de Pauw, J., Gericke, N., Knippels, M.C. (Eds.) (2020). Conceptualizing Environmental Citizenship for 21st Century Education, Environmental Discourses in Science Education 4. Springer, Cham. (open access)
Hadjichambis A. Ch., Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, D. (2020). ‘Environmental Citizenship Questionnaire (ECQ): The Development and Validation of an Evaluation Instrument for Secondary School Students‘. Sustainability 12 (3):821. (open access)
Hadjichambis, A., Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, D., Georgiou, Y., and Adamou A. (2023) ‘How can we transform citizens into ‘environmental agents of change’? Towards the citizen science for environmental citizenship (CS4EC) theoretical framework based on a meta-synthesis approach’ International Journal of Science Education, Part B, (DOI: 10.1080/21548455.2023.2199129)
Lepczyk, C. A., Boyle, O. D., Vargo, T. L. V. (Eds), and Noss, R. F. (foreword). (2020). Handbook of Citizen Science in Ecology and Conservation (University of California Press)
Vasiliades, M. A., Hadjichambis A. Ch., Paraskeva-Hadjichambi D., Adamou, A., and Georgiou, Y. (2021). ‘A Systematic Literature Review on the Participation Aspects of Environmental and Nature-Based Citizen Science Initiatives’. Sustainability 13 (13):7457. (open access)