by Wessel Ganzevoort, Radboud University This was my second year participating in the Dutch National Garden Bird Count, marketed as the biggest citizen science project in the country. Last year a record-high 200,000 people participated, and there was an ambition to go even beyond that; while that didn’t succeed, the total number of participants stillContinue reading “Garden Bird Count 2022 (Netherlands)”
Tag Archives: Backyard_birding
Garden Bird Count 2022 (Norway)
by Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss Cardozo, University of Stavanger On the last weekend of January, I participated in the Norwegian garden bird count for the third time. The first year, I did not put out any food. Consequently, I got two magpies and one crow. That was it. Actually, I had not really understood the wholeContinue reading “Garden Bird Count 2022 (Norway)”
Talvituvate veelindude jälil
Elle-Mari Talivee, Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Underi ja Tuglase Kirjanduskeskuse vanemteadur, PhD Click here to read this post in English Linnuloendustest kuulub minu lemmikute hulka kesktalvine merelindude loendus. Hakkasin hobiornitoloogiaga tegelema koolipõlves ja 1990. aastate keskpaigast olen peaaegu igal talvel veetnud ühe jaanuarikuu nädalavahetuse Hiiumaal, võttes osa rahvusvahelisest talvituvate veelindude loendusest. Linnuloendusena on see igatahes väärikasContinue reading “Talvituvate veelindude jälil”
Mid-January Waterbirds
By Dr Elle-Mari Talivee, Under and Tuglas Literature Centre of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Eestikeelse postituse lugemiseks vajuta siia My favourite time for bird counting is in the middle of winter by the seaside. I became interested in ornithology when I was a schoolgirl. Since the 1990s, I have spent one weekend almost everyContinue reading “Mid-January Waterbirds”
Connecting with and through birds
On April 2, we officially launched the EnviroCitizen project, bringing together researchers from seven European countries. We were supposed to all be in Stavanger, in the university board room overlooking campus. Instead, most of us were sitting at home, looking at each other on a computer screen. Like so many other events in the wakeContinue reading “Connecting with and through birds”