Silvia Stein von Spiess (1901-1993) – Ringing and early citizen science in 1930s Romania

By Ágota Ábrán, post-doctoral researcher at New Europe College In 1934, Silvia von Spiess, head of the ornithological section of the Royal Hunting Office of Romania, wrote the following in an article about looking for bird’s nests in the Danube Delta to ring chicks in the hunting magazine ‘Carpații’ (Carpathians): ‘The journey is interrupted inContinue reading “Silvia Stein von Spiess (1901-1993) – Ringing and early citizen science in 1930s Romania”

Garden Bird Count 2022 (Netherlands)

by Wessel Ganzevoort, Radboud University This was my second year participating in the Dutch National Garden Bird Count, marketed as the biggest citizen science project in the country. Last year a record-high 200,000 people participated, and there was an ambition to go even beyond that; while that didn’t succeed, the total number of participants stillContinue reading “Garden Bird Count 2022 (Netherlands)”

Garden Bird Count 2022 (Norway)

by Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss Cardozo, University of Stavanger On the last weekend of January, I participated in the Norwegian garden bird count for the third time. The first year, I did not put out any food. Consequently, I got two magpies and one crow. That was it. Actually, I had not really understood the wholeContinue reading “Garden Bird Count 2022 (Norway)”

Talking about care with birding volunteers

by Lieselot Vroom, Masters Student, Radboud Universiteit Klik hier voor de Nederlandse versie “Being outdoors, to walk and [to find] beautiful plants and butterflies and birds which apparently have found a place that is still intact. To experience that, I would find it a sin if that will shrink and impoverish even more” The quote aboveContinue reading “Talking about care with birding volunteers”

Praten over zorg met vogelaars

door Lieselot Vroom, Masters Student, Radboud University Click here to read in English “Het buiten zijn, het wandelen en mooie plantjes en mooie vlinders en interessante vogels [vinden] die blijkbaar net die plek gevonden hebben die nog gaaf gebleven is. Om dat mee te maken, ik zou het zonde vinden als dat nou nog veelContinue reading “Praten over zorg met vogelaars”

Reading List: Handbook of Citizen Science in Ecology and Conservation

The reading list is an intermittent series of book recommendations from our team. Dr Michalis A. Vasiliades of CYCERE offers the first in this series. Author(s): Noss, R.F. Series Editor(s): Lepczyk, C.A., Boyle, O.D., Vargo. T.L.V. Year: 2020 Publisher: University of California Press DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvz0h8fz ISBN(s): 9780520960473, 0520960475, 9780520284777 URL: This is the firstContinue reading “Reading List: Handbook of Citizen Science in Ecology and Conservation”

Green Volunteers in the Spotlight

Understanding action for nature through studying citizen scientists and other nature volunteers By Wessel Ganzevoort, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre Connecting Humans and Nature, Institute for Science in Society, Radboud University Klik hier voor de Nederlandse versie Considering everything going on in the world right now, we should not forget to celebrate our achievements. ThisContinue reading “Green Volunteers in the Spotlight”

Groene vrijwilligers in de schijnwerpers

Hoe het onderzoeken van citizen scientists en andere natuurvrijwilligers helpt om te begrijpen waarom mensen in actie komen voor natuur Door Wessel Ganzevoort, Postdoc Onderzoeker bij het Centre Connecting Humans and Nature, Institute for Science in Society, Radboud Universiteit Click here to read in English Gezien alles wat er op dit moment gaande is inContinue reading “Groene vrijwilligers in de schijnwerpers”

Studying Volunteer Dutch Ornithologists

By Caspar Beckers, Junior Researcher, Institute for Science in Society, Radboud University Click here to read in Dutch Our research concerns the historical ‘citizen’ in ornithological citizen science. Who were these people? How did they get involved in ornithology? What are some of the characteristics of these volunteer birdwatchers? Those are some of the questionsContinue reading “Studying Volunteer Dutch Ornithologists”

Vrijwilligerswerk in de ornithologie

By Caspar Beckers, Junior Researcher, Institute for Science in Society, Radboud University Click here to read in English Ons onderzoek gaat over historische ‘citizens’ in citizen science binnen de Nederlandse ornithologie. Wie waren deze citizens precies? Hoe raakten ze betrokken bij vogelonderzoek? Wat karakteriseert deze vogelaars? Dit zijn enkele vragen die we trachten te beantwoorden.Continue reading “Vrijwilligerswerk in de ornithologie”
