Kvinner og ornitologi i Norge før 1980 (del 3 av 3)

av Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss Cardozo, førsteamanuensis, Universitetet i Stavanger Click here to read in English Les del 1 Les del 2 Jeg vil også trekke frem en annen type bidrag som har satt spor ved å finansiere forskning på fugler i Norge. Takket være Bess Jahres stiftelse fra 2006 ble mer ornitologisk forskning finansiert. BessContinue reading “Kvinner og ornitologi i Norge før 1980 (del 3 av 3)”

Women and Ornithology in Norway before 1980 (part 3 of 3)

by Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss Cardozo, Associate Professor, University of Stavanger Klikk her for å lese på norsk Read part 1 Read part 2 I also want to draw out another type of contribution that has had an effect by funding research on birds in Norway. Thanks to the Bess Jahre Foundation, from 2006 more ornithologicalContinue reading “Women and Ornithology in Norway before 1980 (part 3 of 3)”

Kvinner og ornitologi i Norge før 1980 (del 2 av 3)

av Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss Cardozo, førsteamanuensis, Universitetet i Stavanger Click here to read in English Les del 1 Les del 3 Ved å intervjue og grave etter kilder på Stavanger museum og Nasjonalbiblioteket har jeg funnet flere kvinner. Deres innsats er ofte gjemt bak et mannlig familiemedlem. Gertrud Bernhoft-Osa (født Bauer (1903-1997)) satte spor etterContinue reading “Kvinner og ornitologi i Norge før 1980 (del 2 av 3)”

Women and Ornithology in Norway before 1980 (Part 2 of 3)

By Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss Cardozo, Associate Professor, University of Stavanger Klikk her for å lese på norsk Read part 1 Read part 3 Through interviews and digging in the archives at Stavanger Museum and the National Library, I have found several women. Their contributions are often hidden behind a male family member. Gertrud Bernhoft-Osa (neeContinue reading “Women and Ornithology in Norway before 1980 (Part 2 of 3)”

Kvinner og ornitologi i Norge før 1980 (del 1 av 3)

av Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss Cardozo, førsteamanuensis, Universitetet i Stavanger Click here to read in English Før 1980 var ornitologi i Norge ansett som et svært maskulint felt. Få kvinner var medlemmer i ornitologiske foreninger eller studerte zoologi med fugler som hovedtema ved universiteter i Norge. Betyr det at kvinner før 1980 ikke har tilført ornitologiContinue reading “Kvinner og ornitologi i Norge før 1980 (del 1 av 3)”

Women and Ornithology in Norway before 1980 (part 1 of 3)

By Ann Elisabeth Laksfoss Cardozo, Associate Professor, University of Stavanger Klikk her for å lese på norsk Before 1980, ornithology in Norway was seen as a very masculine field. Few women were members of ornithological societies or studied zoology with birds as their main area of research at Norwegian universities. Does that mean that womenContinue reading “Women and Ornithology in Norway before 1980 (part 1 of 3)”

Silvia Stein von Spiess (1901-1993) – Ringing and early citizen science in 1930s Romania

By Ágota Ábrán, post-doctoral researcher at New Europe College In 1934, Silvia von Spiess, head of the ornithological section of the Royal Hunting Office of Romania, wrote the following in an article about looking for bird’s nests in the Danube Delta to ring chicks in the hunting magazine ‘Carpații’ (Carpathians): ‘The journey is interrupted inContinue reading “Silvia Stein von Spiess (1901-1993) – Ringing and early citizen science in 1930s Romania”

Women writing birds

by Clara Contreras Ameduri, postdoctoral researcher in literary ecocriticism, University of Extremadura Haz clic aquí para leerlo en español On January 21st, I was pleased to see my exhibition on Victorian women ornithologists published on Europeana. As a researcher in environmental humanities, I consider the nineteenth century a particularly fascinating era. Despite being often rememberedContinue reading “Women writing birds”

Exposición sobre ornitólogas victorianas

Clara Contreras Ameduri, investigadora postdoctoral en ecocrítica literaria, Universidad de Extremadura Click here to read in English El 21 de enero tuve el placer de ver publicada en Europeana mi exposición sobre ornitólogas victorianas. Como investigadora de humanidades ambientales, el siglo XIX me parece una época particularmente fascinante. A pesar de ser recordado como laContinue reading “Exposición sobre ornitólogas victorianas”

Female ornithologists in the Netherlands

By Caspar Beckers, Junior Researcher at the Center Connecting Humans and Nature, Institute for Science in Society, Radboud University Klik hier voor de Nederlandse versie The world of (amateur-)ornithology feels like it was and is a man’s world. Men armed with binoculars follow birds wherever they can find them. This is no different for ornithologyContinue reading “Female ornithologists in the Netherlands”
